“My wheelchair worked marvelously in London and Paris! Thank you so much!” – Jordan Ayers. This past year, on Brent Ayers family’s trip to London and Paris they were able to see and do more with the use of their RoughRider. Brent’s daughter, Jordan, typically rides a power chair. Knowing they would need a manual chair, the family looked for alternative chairs that would allow Jordon to traverse in the older regions of the cities; where the bumpy streets and the lack of rider friendly amenities make the use of traditional wheelchairs unreliable. After some light searching, the Ayers came across Whirlwind and the RoughRider. The chair’s long wheelbase and large caster wheel design was ideal for navigating the cobblestone streets found in the older sections of town. Whirlwind’s “Buy One, Give One” offer, which allows Whirlwind to provide a second chair in the developing world to an individual in need of mobility provided an additional incentive.
Soon after, the family received their new chair and was off to Europe. During their time in London and Paris, the RoughRider’s rugged design came in handy when riding the busy streets of Europe. Since returning home, Jordan continues to use her RoughRider when charging her power chair. She enjoys how the RoughRider moves with minimal effort in comparison to other manual chairs she has owned. We at Whirlwind are happy to see how the RoughRider benefited the Ayers’ trip to Europe. We wish them many more memorable trips, and hope to hear from them again!