Elder Makes Ancestral Trip to the Amazon in a RoughRider Wheelchair!
Whirlwind was contacted last summer by Joshua Van Winkle about a wheelchair that could handle the rugged terrain of the Amazon jungle. He was planning

Alejandro Menéndez Finds Independence and Freedom with his RoughRider Wheelchair
At Whirlwind we love hearing from people whose lives have been changed by the RoughRider wheelchairs we are able to provide for them. When our

Caitlyn Meyers Overcomes Obstacles with her RoughRider in Iceland
In 2013, I was still struggling with pain and reduced strength in my legs from when a car hit me while I was crossing the

Amazon Elder with Polio Receives New RoughRider Wheelchair
We’re excited that Nenekawa Toca, an elder from the Indigenous Nationality Waorani, that lives in the Amazonian region of Ecuador has received his new RoughRider

Whirlwind Wheelchairs Brings More Joy To Camp Joy
Baylee, a camper of the youth with Spina Bifida Camp Joy program, with Paige’s Princess Foundation Fundraisers, who made the RoughRiders possible.Camp Joy is now

RoughRider User Tours the Streets of Paris and London
“My wheelchair worked marvelously in London and Paris! Thank you so much!” – Jordan Ayers. This past year, on Brent Ayers family’s trip to London and

Keep Your RoughRider® Well Maintained
We are in the midst of preparing a group of User Resource pages that should be up in a few weeks. But in the meantime,

Hard Work, an Indomitable Spirit, and a RoughRider
Crystal can now tend to her beloved animals, including her six horses, thanks to her new RoughRider. Getting back to doing what you used to

Back on Target and Rolling in Big Sky Country
Dennis, back in the classroom, where he teaches a Hunter Education class at a middle school in Billings, Montana. An avid hunter, Dennis Hein, 56,

Bolivian Disabled Activists Fight for Rights
Lack of mobility is only the first of many barriers that people with disabilities have to overcome in order to be able to fully participate

The Importance of User Choice for Cost-Effective Wheelchair Provision in Low Income Countries
by Marc Krizack, J.D., Executive Director Whirlwind Wheelchair International at San Francisco State University The limited success of free market mechanisms in wheelchair provision in
Wheelchair Riders in Control
Wheelchair Riders in Control WWI’s Model of Technology Transfer by Peter Pfaelzer, Ph.D. and Marc Krizack, J.D. This article describes Whirlwind’s design methodology from its
It’s Not About Wheelchairs
It’s Not About Wheelchairs (.pdf available here) By Marc Krizack, Whirlwind Executive Director Building an Inclusive Development Community: A Manual on Including People with Disabilities